Friday, September 27, 2013

National RAINN DAY

Over the course of this past week, all Pitt-Greensburg students had the opportunity to participate in numerous events that comprised "Safety Week". One of these events, National RAINN Day, took place yesterday, Thursday, September 26. RAINN Day, hosted by RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, is seen as a day of action to raise awareness and educate students about sexual violence on college campuses. Campuses that participate are asked to design a program for their campus community that will motivate their students and staff to take a stand against sexual violence. The ultimate goal of the program is to empower college students to educate their peers about risk reduction and recovery resources on their own campus. 

Pitt-Greensburg students were asked to decorate umbrellas showing their support for RAINN and their decision to take a stand against sexual violence. After researching RAINN to learn more about the organization, including the shocking fact that every two minutes someone in the United States is a victim of sexual assault, our team decided to participate in RAINN Day. I am very proud of their decision to take a stand against sexual assault, even though it means I will be finding glitter and rhinestones in my office for the next five years. 

The Final Product

On display outside of Chambers Hall