What Uppp Bballll Ladiessss!!!!
I'm Kourtney Laratonda... I've been on the Bobcat "Hoop Squad" for three years now and I am so excited for our pre season to start! Even though I'm playing volleyball I will be attending a lot of our basketball festivities, so don't worry, but I do hope my basketball family comes and supports me at all my home games.
I am going into my senior year at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, and will graduate this spring with a Natural Science/ Biology batchlors degree. I plan on attending the University of South Florida and getting my masters degree in marine science. After that my career goals are to work with all types of sea life. This basketball season is going to be very competitive, high goal set, and greatly underestimated. I am already in love with all of my teammates and I know we will be closer than ever this season. I hope my freshiessss have a great first semester and to all my fellow teammates "Legooooo!!!"