GNOMUS: Let's keep it simple to start...What's your favorite color?
MB: Yellow
GNOMUS: Do you have a favorite band or artist?
MB: Nope - I can't pick favorites.
GNOMUS: If your I-POD got stuck on replay, what song would be playing over and over again?
MB: "One and Only" - Adele
GNOMUS: Do you have any nicknames?
MB: "Skel", "Sloth", and "Shmordan"
GNOMUS: Which one is your favorite, and why?
MB: "Shmordan" because my brother Connor calls me "Mordan" and the team changed it to "Shmordan"
GNOMUS: Why do you wear #35?
MB: My mom picked that number for me in third grade, and I haven't changed it since.
GNOMUS: What is your favorite "Eatonism"?
MB: When I said "Come on white", and Coach was on the white team and said "Really, are you going to tell me to come on?!"
GNOMUS: What's your favorite thing about Pitt-Greensburg?
MB: It's a small campus and I know everyone.
GNOMUS: What is the funniest thing that has happened all season?
MB: When Kayla Golden backed up at the end of the half and tried to "Tom Brady" it to the hoop.
GNOMUS: If you had to write a book about the team, what would it be called?MB: Shmoach Shmeaton and the Shmobshnats