Thursday, August 2, 2012


Sooooo..... I"M SO EXCITED TO COME BACK!! I've missed Greensburg, my returning and incoming bobkitties, the coaches, and all the other people outside the team. The whole Greensburg crew, team and all, have become my new family. I kind of feel lost back here in AZ without you guys. Besides the fact that I miss all of you, summer has been pretty awesome! Workouts are going pretty well and I have recently had the chance to work with a shooting gun. It is pretty awesome I must say. I don't have to rebound my own ball and it does the passing for me. :) I worked basketball camps that my high school put on and I went to San Diego with my high school's girls team for a tournament and helped them out. And I have been playing pick up games with the guys so I can keep up with the fast paced play. I also was happy to have the chance for my boyfriend to come out to AZ  for 3 weeks and he helped me work on some post workouts. Outside of basketball, I've pretty much been getting my tan on in the amazing Arizona sun. Besides getting to see my family, getting a tan was up there on my priorities list, but not above basketball of course. You guys won't have to hear me complain about my tan for a while, which is good. I take my dreadful, long, cramped drive to Greensburg on August 13th, and even though I have to endure that, I cannot wait to get back and see everyone. I'm so excited to start this year and I'm actually really excited to play with a small team because I'm up for the challenge of playing taller teams. I can't wait to hear Eaton's wonderful eatonisms this year and having Coach Waters on the bench every game and having Coach Pioli back as a volunteer. It is going to be a fun, eventful year. Did I happen to mention that I'm really excited to be back? I don't think I can say it enough :) Well, I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and I will see everyone soon! Be ready to work hard bobkitties, because this is gonna be a great year for us!