Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Start of a New Beginning!!!!!

Hello everyone, my name is Lindsey McKamish. I am a junior here at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg wearing number 10. I am an Early Childhood Education Major with a Minor in Psychology. The start of school has been great thus far! I cannot even believe it is the end of October already! This year is going by so fast and I cannot believe that our first game is only less than 3 weeks away.

We had an amazing pre-season as a team. We are all working hard and I can tell our hard work is going to pay off! We had our first official practice October 15th at midnight! It was an amazing way to kick off our season. We had our first scrimmage against Seton Hill a week ago! We played extremely hard which we always do! We have our next scrimmage in a week from tomorrow against Bethany!

Off the court, our team is extremely close. I love every girl on this bobcat team! We go out to team dinners, team movies, and even just hang out in the dorm rooms together. Last night the coaches surprised the whole team with taking us to a Haunted Farm!!!! It was the most fun I have had in a while. We all were together laughing, and screaming the whole night. I believe that every time we hang out we continue to grow closer and closer. This is going to help us both on and off the court.

I am so excited for our first game and cannot wait to see the continue success our team will have this upcoming season!!!