My grandparents have played a major role in my life. My gram would watch my brother and I when my parents went to work. She would always make us do our school work before we could go outside and play. She taught me a lot about priorities and how school comes before anything else. All three of my grandparents have had a big role in my life, and influenced the person I have become today. I am thankful to have had the chance to be close to them and learn from them.
I am very thankful for all my friends I still have from high school and all the friends I have made in college. The friends I have made in college have truly made an impact on my life. They have been there for me in the worst of times and also the best moments of my life. I know I can always count on them when I need them most. Friendship is something I value greatly and am thankful for every day.
Last but not least, I am very thankful for my puppy. When I get to go homeand I see her, she always makes me smile.I love pulling in the drive wayand her come running out and jumping, trying to get in the car. I love beingable to play with her and cuddle up and just relax. She makes me feel comforted andinstantly happier.
I have a lot to be thankful for, a loving family, wonderful friends, great basketball team, and an awesome dog that no matter what happens is always there. People sometimes take for granted the things they have. You should always appreciate the people in your life and what they do for you. I know that I do.