Well, obviously the number one thing that I am thankful for are these guys.... my family.
I have three of the most beautiful and amazing older sisters anyone could ever have and I love them all sooo much! I don't know what I would do without them. And also, my cousin Tyler is in the one picture, and I love him a lot too! We make up one big crazy family (the good crazy lol) and I really appreciate everything they do for me and I want to thank you all very much!
Especially my parents... they have done soo many things for me to ever be able to even count and I am truly lucky and blessed to have such caring and wonderful parents. I hope someday I'll be lucky enough to be as good-hearted and wonderful as these two people are. I'd be lost without them and I really, really appreciate all the love, care and support both have given me.
I love you guys so much!
I am also extremely thankful for all my friends! The new, the old and especially all my friends on the lady bobcat women's basketball team!
BRICKSQUAD!!! haha, I love all these girls and I am sooo thankful for all of them. We've all become so close and we're like family and I don't know what I would do without them! On and off the court, we are always there for each other and that is truly something to be thankful for.
Love you bobkitties!
SUPER thankful for my best friend IN THE WORLD, Courtney DiBridge. She's always been there for me through thick and thin and we probably have the greatest memories any two people could have. She's like my fourth sister and I love her to pieces! I don't know what I would do without her!
Love u boo boo!
These are two of my really good friends from high school, Amy Jo (left) and Maddi (right). These girls are two of the best friends anyone could ever have and I am very thankful to have them in my life! <33
And my newest friend Ashley! She is super fun and crazy and always makes me smile! Love this girl and I'm so happy we became friends!
All of them mean so much to me and they make everyday life so much more fun, and easier and I wouldn't trade any of our memories for the world! I would do anything for any of them.
I love each and every one of you sooo much!
So basically I am thankful for my family and all of my friends, including friends that weren't mentioned in this. Everyone has an impact on my life and I really appreciate all that they do for me!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
~ Hannah #25