Wednesday, July 2, 2014

International Kitties

Hi my name is Kayla Dames. I am number 5 on the team and currently a senior. We just got back from the best trip to Bermuda with our team. While we were there we had a bunch of great experiences. A couple of my favorites would be:

Starting a dance party in the pool area with all the other guests staying at the resort

Going paddle boarding with a couple of my teammates and coaches

Going to the main part of town and being able to wave to the people commuting to work with one of the happiest people I've met. He is a 91 year old man who has been standing out there waving to people as they go to work for the past 30  years.

Being able to play overseas and experiences the difference between the two cultures. 

Going dancing with the girls that we played against and having fun with them and seeing what it is like to go out in Bermuda.

Being able to learn about the history of the island; even though I was sweating to death during it.

I am so thankful I got to experience this with my team, families, and coaching staff. I'm hoping this will help us be closer and work better as a team during the upcoming season! 

Last Day...Sad to leave Bermuda